Guidelines for registration:
- Enter the page Online registration ,
for people who have registered at please login by inputting the e-mail address and password;
for registered users who forget the password please click “Password forgotten”; for new users please click “New registration” (free !).
- When you login successfully, click “Personal information”,
then below the “Your activities” you will see “27th Annual Conference”, click the button “Register”.
- After you click the button “Register”, you can make your choice, please click “submit” after all information is given.
- An e-mail will be sent to you automatically to confirm your registration, please also look for the confirmation in your junk mail.
You will see “Registered” for the “27th Annual Conference” under “Your activities” too.
- Please contact in case you have any difficulties.
The registration fee is 7 Euro, please transfer the amount to the below bank account, quoting the name and “27th Annual Conference
in Jena” on the form under the heading “Purpose of payment”:
Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e.V.
Konto Nr: 157285516
Bank: Kreissparkasse Köln
Bankleitzahl: 37050299
IBAN: DE49 3705 0299 0157 2855 16